Monday 7 May 2012

Arabic English translation of 99 names of Allah

Arabic English translation of 99 names of Allah

This is Arabic Islamic chanting Arabic song by an Egyptian artist called Hisham Abbas. It is a beautiful recitation of the 99 names of Allah Asma al-Husna - The Most Beautiful Names of God. The 99 names of Allah are presented in a nice musical way to help you memorize them. Chant the 99 names of Allah in order to learn Arabic and enrich your Arabic vocabulary.

Asmaa'u Allah Al-Hosna

أسماء الله الحسنى

#ArabicEnglish translation of 99 names of AllahAsmaa'u Allah Al-Hosna
1اللهThe Greatest NameAllah
2الرحمنThe All-CompassionateAr-Rahman
3الرحيمThe All-MercifulAr-Rahim
4الملكThe Absolute RulerAl-Malik
5القدوسThe Pure OneAl-Quddus
6السلامThe Source of PeaceAs-Salam
7المؤمنThe Inspirer of FaithAl-Mu'min
8المهيمنThe GuardianAl-Muhaymin
9العزيزThe VictoriousAl-Aziz
10الجبارThe CompellerAl-Jabbar
11المتكبرThe GreatestAl-Mutakabbir
12الخالقThe CreatorAl-Khaliq
13البارئThe Maker of OrderAl-Bari'
14المصورThe Shaper of BeautyAl-Musawwir
15الغفارThe ForgivingAl-Ghaffar
16القهارThe SubduerAl-Qahhar
17الوهابThe Giver of AllAl-Wahhab
18الرزاقThe SustainerAr-Razzaq
19الفتاحThe OpenerAl-Fattah
20العليمThe Knower of AllAl-`Alim
21القابضThe ConstrictorAl-Qabid
22الباسطThe RelieverAl-Basit
23الخافضThe AbaserAl-Khafid
24الرافعThe ExalterAr-Rafi
25المعزThe Bestower of HonorsAl-Mu'izz
26المذلThe HumiliatorAl-Mudhill
27السميعThe Hearer of AllAs-Sami
28البصيرThe Seer of AllAl-Basir
29الحكمThe JudgeAl-Hakam
30العدلThe JustAl-`Adl
31اللطيفThe Subtle OneAl-Latif
32الخبيرThe All-AwareAl-Khabir
33الحليمThe ForbearingAl-Halim
34العظيمThe MagnificentAl-Azim
35الغفورThe Forgiver and Hider of FaultsAl-Ghafur
36الشكورThe Rewarder of ThankfulnessAsh-Shakur
37العليThe HighestAl-Ali
38الكبيرThe GreatestAl-Kabir
39الحفيظThe PreserverAl-Hafiz
40المقيتThe NourisherAl-Muqit
41الحسيبThe AccounterAl-Hasib
42الجليلThe MightyAl-Jalil
43الكريمThe GenerousAl-Karim
44الرقيبThe Watchful OneAr-Raqib
45المجيبThe Responder to PrayerAl-Mujib
46الواسعThe All-ComprehendingAl-Wasi
47الحكيمThe Perfectly WiseAl-Hakim
48الودودThe Loving OneAl-Wadud
49المجيدThe Majestic OneAl-Majid
50الباعثThe ResurrectorAl-Ba'ith
51الشهيدThe WitnessAsh-Shahid
52الحقThe TruthAl-Haqq
53الوكيلThe TrusteeAl-Wakil
54القوىThe Possessor of All StrengthAl-Qawiyy
55المتينThe Forceful OneAl-Matin
56الوليThe GovernorAl-Waliyy
57الحميدThe Praised OneAl-Hamid
58المحصىThe AppraiserAl-Muhsi
59المبدئThe OriginatorAl-Mubdi'
60المعيدThe RestorerAl-Mu'id
61المحييThe Giver of LifeAl-Muhyi
62المميتThe Taker of LifeAl-Mumit
63الحيThe Ever Living OneAl-Hayy
64القيومThe Self-Existing OneAl-Qayyum
65الواجدThe FinderAl-Wajid
66الماجدThe GloriousAl-Majid
67الواحدThe One, the All Inclusive, The IndivisibleAl-Wahid
68الصمدThe Satisfier of All NeedsAs-Samad
69القادرThe All PowerfulAl-Qadir
70المقتدرThe Creator of All PowerAl-Muqtadir
71المقدمThe ExpediterAl-Muqaddim
72المؤخرThe DelayerAl-Mu'akhkhir
73الأولThe FirstAl-Awwal
74الآخرThe LastAl-Akhir
75الظاهرThe Manifest OneAz-Zahir
76الباطنThe Hidden OneAl-Batin
77الواليThe Protecting FriendAl-Wali
78المتعالThe Supreme OneAl-Muta'ali
79البرThe Doer of GoodAl-Barr
80التوابThe Guide to RepentanceAt-Tawwab
81المنتقمThe AvengerAl-Muntaqim
82العفوThe ForgiverAl-'Afuww
83الرؤوفThe ClementAr-Ra'uf
84مالك الملكThe Owner of AllMalik-al-Mulk
85ذو الجلال و الإكرامThe Lord of Majesty and BountyDhu-al-Jalal wa-al-Ikram
86المقسطThe Equitable OneAl-Muqsit
87الجامعThe GathererAl-Jami'
88الغنيThe Rich OneAl-Ghani
89المغنيThe EnricherAl-Mughni
90المانعThe Preventer of HarmAl-Mani'
91الضارThe Creator of The HarmfulAd-Darr
92النافعThe Creator of GoodAn-Nafi'
93النورThe LightAn-Nur
94الهاديThe GuideAl-Hadi
95البديعThe OriginatorAl-Badi
96الباقيThe Everlasting OneAl-Baqi
97الوارثThe Inheritor of AllAl-Warith
98الرشيدThe Righteous TeacherAr-Rashid
99الصبورThe Patient OneAs-Sabur

Asma al-Husna - The Most Beautiful Names of God - the 99 Names Of Allah - Translation of the 99 Names of Allah - The 99 Names Of Allah - ALLAH الله - Al Rahman الرحمن - The All Beneficent Al Rahim الرحيم - The Most Merciful - Al Malik المالك

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